How to become an Accredited Program
The Consortium accredits one program per state or country. Accredited Certified Public Manager® Programs must consist of a minimum of 300 hours of structured learning activities.
The steps to become an accredited program are as follows:
1. Apply for Associate Membership. This is the developmental phase of membership. During this period, a mentor state will be assigned to help the program establish the infrastructure to provide the curriculum. Application
for Associate status must be from the head of a governmental
organization or an institution of higher learning interested in
sponsoring a CPM program in that state. Once a request for admission to
the Consortium is approved no other CPM program will be approved in that
2. Apply for Active Membership.
During this period, the program implements its first class
and prepares and applies for full accreditation. The application
requires a letter from the Governor or University President/Chancellor.
3. Apply for Accredited Membership.
This process includes submission of the materials required for
accreditation as well as a site visit. Upon completion of the
requirements the Board of Directors of the Consortium must approve the
Once a program is approved for Accredited Membership it may grant the Certified Public Manager® credential to the graduates.
For more information, contact the NCPMC Administrator.